File Contents
#!/usr/bin/python ####################################################################### # # # COPYRIGHT (C) 2005-2013, DILLON ENGINEERING # All rights reserved. # # Dillon Engineering # [email protected] 952-836-2413 # # This software is provided by Dillon Engineering "as is". # # Redistributions of this software, with or without modification, # must reproduce the above copyright notice, the address and contact # information of Dillon Engineering, and this license statement. # # Dillon Engineering Inc. shall have no liability to any one, # for damages caused by the use of this software. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This script will generate necessary files and folders to run # a Xilinx ISE implementation from the command line. # # There are two requirements to use this script: # - Python programming language # - make, for example Gnu make # # All necessary configurations are done in the first section of the # script until a note with the text 'end of defining parameters' further # below. Then just run the script with the command: # # ./ # # or # # python # # One result of the run is a generated Makefile which will run all steps # from synthesis to bitgen and create a .mcs file as well. # # Generated files and folders are partly dependent on the specified # variable 'topmodule'. In detail the generated files and folders are: # # ./Makefile # ./<topmodule>.xst # ./<topmodule>.prj # ./<topmodule>.lso # ./tmp/ # ./xst/ # ./xst/work # # # The script supports mixed language designs. Based on the file ending # .v or .vhd it creates the respective entry in the .prj file for synthesis. # # The script has been tested with ISE 6.3, 7.1, 8.1, and 9.1. # # Usage: # # - expect environment variable XILINX to bet set # - adjust parameters and specify logic files to be included # - >python # - >make all # # That's it. # # __revision__ = "$Rev: 419 $" __data__ = "$Date: 2007-09-17 23:54:27 +0200 (Mon, 17 Sep 2007) $" __version__ = "1.0" import os, sys # # Define the parameters # src_extra = None # files # path to src_files and ucf_file src_dir = './' # src files, assumed in folder src_dir # for verilog use .v for vhdl use .vhd src_files = [ 'support.v', 'emulator_clock_synch.v', 'cd4046_pll.v', 'seg17_xil.v', 'ram_noisy.v', 'd264.v'] # ucf file, assumed in folder src_dir ucf_file = 'd264.ucf' # full path with each file, otherwise same as normal src_file # if you don't need this option just comment it out src_extra = ['../../coregen/internal_sram.v'] # full path needed topmodule = 'd264' # device information device = 'xc3s5000' speed = '5' package = 'fg900' # map options map_opt = '-cm area -pr b -k 4 -c 100 -tx off' # par options par_opt = '-w -ol std -t 1' # synthesis parameters tmp_dir = 'tmp' hdp_dir = 'xst' syn_param = """ # # Source parameters # -ifn %(topmodule)s.prj -ifmt mixed -iuc NO # # Target parameters # -ofn %(topmodule)s -ofmt NGC -p %(device)s-%(speed)s-%(package)s # # Source options # -top %(topmodule)s -fsm_extract YES -fsm_encoding Auto -fsm_style lut -ram_extract Yes -ram_style Auto -rom_extract Yes -rom_style Auto -mux_extract YES -mux_style Auto -decoder_extract YES -priority_extract YES -shreg_extract YES -shift_extract YES -xor_collapse YES -mult_style auto -resource_sharing YES # this option need a dir to be used # -vlgincdir -register_balancing No # # Target options # -iobuf YES -max_fanout 100 -bufg 4 -register_duplication YES -equivalent_register_removal YES -slice_packing YES -iob auto # # General options # -opt_mode Speed -opt_level 1 -hierarchy_separator _ -bus_delimiter <> -keep_hierarchy NO -glob_opt AllClockNets -rtlview Yes -write_timing_constraints NO -case maintain -slice_utilization_ratio 100 -slice_utilization_ratio_maxmargin 5 # # Other options # -verilog2001 YES -lso %(topmodule)s.lso -read_cores YES -cross_clock_analysis NO -optimize_primitives NO """% locals() # bitgenerator options # depending on the device some options might not be usable. Check with # ISE what can be used and what not. bit_gen_g_options = [] bit_gen_g_options.append('DebugBitstream:No') bit_gen_g_options.append('Binary:no') bit_gen_g_options.append('CRC:Enable') bit_gen_g_options.append('ConfigRate:6') bit_gen_g_options.append('CclkPin:PullUp') bit_gen_g_options.append('M0Pin:PullUp') bit_gen_g_options.append('M1Pin:PullUp') bit_gen_g_options.append('M2Pin:PullUp') bit_gen_g_options.append('ProgPin:PullUp') bit_gen_g_options.append('DonePin:PullUp') bit_gen_g_options.append('TckPin:PullUp') bit_gen_g_options.append('TdiPin:PullUp') bit_gen_g_options.append('TdoPin:PullUp') bit_gen_g_options.append('TmsPin:PullUp') bit_gen_g_options.append('UnusedPin:PullDown') bit_gen_g_options.append('UserID:0xFFFFFFFF') bit_gen_g_options.append('DCMShutDown:Disable') bit_gen_g_options.append('StartUpClk:CClk') bit_gen_g_options.append('DONE_cycle:4') bit_gen_g_options.append('GTS_cycle:5') bit_gen_g_options.append('GWE_cycle:6') bit_gen_g_options.append('LCK_cycle:NoWait') bit_gen_g_options.append('Match_cycle:Auto') bit_gen_g_options.append('Security:None') bit_gen_g_options.append('DonePipe:No') bit_gen_g_options.append('DriveDone:Yes') # # end of defining parameters # # You don't need to change anything beyond this, unless you want to # improve the script. # # If you do so, we would love to hear from you. Send us your # improvements to [email protected] ####################################################################### def construct_makefile(): head = ['#'] head.append("# This file was created by the script '%s'"% sys.argv[0]) head.append("# Change parameters in that script, not in this Makefile") head.append('#') # Variables in the Makefile var = ['#'] var.append('TOP=%s'% topmodule) var.append('PART=%(device)s-%(package)s-%(speed)s'% globals()) var.append('MAP_OPTS=%s'% map_opt) var.append('PAR_OPTS=%s'% par_opt) var.append('#\n#\n#') var.append('SRCDIR=%(src_dir)s'%globals()) var.append('UCF=%s' % os.path.join(src_dir, ucf_file)) # add files file_str = 'SRC_FILES= ' first = True for file in src_files : if not first : file_str += ' ' file_str += os.path.join(src_dir, file) first = False if(src_extra): for file in src_extra: if not first : file_str += ' ' file_str += '%s'%(file) first = False var.append(file_str) var.append("#") var.append("SYN =%s"% os.path.join(xil_path, "xst")) var.append("NGDBUILD =%s"% os.path.join(xil_path, "ngdbuild")) var.append("MAP =%s"% os.path.join(xil_path, "map")) var.append("PAR =%s"% os.path.join(xil_path, "par")) var.append("BITGEN =%s"% os.path.join(xil_path, "bitgen")) var.append("TRCE =%s"% os.path.join(xil_path, "trce")) var.append("REPORTGEN =%s"% os.path.join(xil_path, "reportgen")) var.append("PROMGEN =%s"% os.path.join(xil_path, "promgen")) var.append("NETGEN =%s"% os.path.join(xil_path, "netgen")) var.append("#") try : var.append('export XILINX=%(xilinx)s'% globals()) except: pass var.append('export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%(xil_path)s'% globals()) var.append('#') var.append('BITGEN_OPTS = -w \\') for i in range(len(bit_gen_g_options)-1): var.append(' -g %s \\'%bit_gen_g_options[i]) var.append(' -g %s'%bit_gen_g_options.pop()) var.append('#\n#\n#\n#') mfL = head + var # default mfL.append('default:') mfL.append('\t@echo usage:') mfL.append('\t@echo "\tmake all - builds all targets"') mfL.append('\t@echo "\tmake reports - runs P&R and generates reports"') mfL.append('\t@echo "\tmake verilog_sim - runs P&R and gererates verilog gatesim file"') mfL.append('\t@echo "\tmake vhdl_sim - runs P&R and gererates VHDL gatesim file"') mfL.append('\t@echo "\tmake bits - runs P&R and gererates bit file"') mfL.append('\t@echo "\tmake prom - runs P&R and gererates prom file"') mfL.append('#\n#') # all mfL.append('all: reports prom bits vhdl_sim verilog_sim') mfL.append('#\n#') # reports mfL.append('reports: $(TOP)_par.dly $(TOP)_par.twr') mfL.append('#\n#') # verilog_sim mfL.append('verilog_sim: $(TOP)_par.v') mfL.append('#\n#') # bits mfL.append('bits: $(TOP).bit') mfL.append('#\n#') # prom mfL.append('prom: $(TOP).mcs') mfL.append('#\n#') # vhdl_sim mfL.append('vhdl_sim: $(TOP)_par.vhd') mfL.append('#\n#') # sim verilog mfL.append('$(TOP)_par.v: $(TOP)_par.ncd') mfL.append('\t$(NETGEN) -sim -ofmt verilog -w -s %s $(TOP)_par.ncd'%speed) mfL.append('#\n#') # sim vhdl mfL.append('$(TOP)_par.vhd: $(TOP)_par.ncd') mfL.append('\t$(NETGEN) -sim -ofmt vhdl -rpw 100 -w -s %s $(TOP)_par.ncd'%speed) mfL.append('#\n#') # MCS mfL.append('$(TOP).mcs: $(TOP).bit') mfL.append('\t$(PROMGEN) -w -p mcs -o $(TOP).mcs -u 0 $(TOP).bit') mfL.append('#\n#') # Report Delay mfL.append('$(TOP)_par.dly: $(TOP)_par.ncd') mfL.append('\t$(REPORTGEN) -delay -o $(TOP)_par $(TOP)_par.ncd') mfL.append('#\n#') # Report Timine mfL.append('$(TOP)_par.twr: $(TOP)_par.ncd') mfL.append('\t$(TRCE) $(TOP)_par $(TOP).pcf -u 10 -v 10 -o $(TOP)_par') mfL.append('#\n#') # Bitgen mfL.append('$(TOP).bit: $(TOP)_par.ncd') mfL.append('\t$(BITGEN) $(TOP)_par.ncd $(TOP).bit $(BITGEN_OPTS)') mfL.append('#\n#') # Plac & Route mfL.append('$(TOP)_par.ncd: $(TOP)_map.ncd') mfL.append('\t$(PAR) $(PAR_OPTS) $(TOP)_map.ncd $(TOP)_par.ncd $(TOP).pcf') mfL.append('#\n#') # Map mfL.append('$(TOP)_map.ncd: $(TOP).ngd') mfL.append('\t$(MAP) -p $(PART) $(MAP_OPTS) -o $(TOP)_map.ncd $(TOP).ngd $(TOP).pcf') mfL.append('#\n#') # Translate mfL.append('$(TOP).ngd: $(TOP).ngc $(UCF)') mfL.append('\t$(NGDBUILD) -dd tmp -aul -uc $(UCF) -p $(PART) $(TOP).ngc $(TOP).ngd') mfL.append('#\n#') # Synthesis mfL.append('$(TOP).ngc: $(SRC_FILES)') mfL.append('\t$(SYN) -ifn $(TOP).xst -ofn $(TOP)_xst_log.syr') mfL.append('#\n#') # very_clean mfL.append("very_clean:") mfL.append("\trm -fr %s" % tmp_dir) mfL.append("\trm -fr %s" % hdp_dir) mfL.append("\trm -f $(TOP)*") mfL.append("\trm -f *.log") mfL.append('#\n#') # all_clean mfL.append('all_clean:') mfL.append('\trm -f $(TOP)*.ncd $(TOP)*.ngd $(TOP)*.ngo $(TOP)*.ngc') mfL.append('#\n#') # clean mfL.append('clean:') mfL.append('\trm -f $(TOP)*.ncd $(TOP)*.ngd $(TOP)*.ngo') mfL.append('#\n#') mf = '\n'.join(mfL) return mf ####################################################################### # # main # if __name__ == '__main__': if(not os.environ.get('XILINX')): raise "ERROR: 'XILINX' environment variable needs to the be set!" # Assuming the $XILINX variable is set accordingly # need to differentiate xilinx map from unix map host_type = os.environ.get('HOSTTYPE') if(host_type == 'x86_64'): xil_path = '${XILINX}/bin/lin64' else: xil_path = '${XILINX}/bin/lin' # ... if not, add this #xilinx = '/opt/xilinx' print '\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'Start generation of files and folders for ISE shell call' # test for existence of necessary folders, if not, create them if(not os.path.exists(tmp_dir)): os.mkdir(tmp_dir) print 'Created %(tmp_dir)s folder.' % locals() if(not os.path.exists(hdp_dir)): os.mkdir(hdp_dir) print 'Created %(hdp_dir)s folder.' % locals() if(not os.path.exists('%s/work'%hdp_dir)): os.mkdir('%s/work'%hdp_dir) print 'Created %(hdp_dir)s/work' % locals() if(not os.path.exists(src_dir)): raise "ERROR: The specified src_dir='%s' does not exists!" % src_dir # Write .prj file prj_file = open("%s.prj"%topmodule, mode='w') for file in src_files: v = file.find('.v') vhdl = file.find('.vhd') # verilog file if((v > -1) and (vhdl < 0)): line = "verilog work %s\n" % os.path.join(src_dir, file) # vhdl file elif((v > -1) and (vhdl > -1)): line = "vhdl work %s\n" % os.path.join(src_dir, file) prj_file.write(line) # only add src_extra if it exists if(src_extra): for file in src_extra: v = file.find('.v') vhdl = file.find('.vhd') # verilog file if((v > -1) and (vhdl < 0)): line = "verilog work %(file)s\n"% locals() # vhdl file elif((v > -1) and (vhdl > -1)): line = "vhdl work %(file)s\n"% locals() prj_file.write(line) prj_file.close() print 'Wrote the project file %s.prj'% topmodule # Write .lso file lso_file = open("%s.lso"%topmodule, mode='w') lso_file.write('work') lso_file.close() print 'Wrote the lso file %s.lso'% topmodule # Write .xst file xst_id = open("%s.xst"%topmodule, mode='w') xst_id.write("set -tmpdir %s\n"% tmp_dir) xst_id.write("set -xsthdpdir %s\n"% hdp_dir) xst_id.write("run") xst_id.write(syn_param) xst_id.close() print 'Wrote the xst file %s.xst'% topmodule # Write the Makefile makefile_id = open("Makefile", mode='w') makefile_id.write(construct_makefile()) makefile_id.close() print 'Wrote the Makefile' print '\nFinished!' print "Type 'make all' to start the implementation"